Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Leave me a comment...

I know I have not updated this blog for a long time. The main reason being I just don't think many people read it. I usually upload our new pictures and videos to facebook because I know most everyone sees them there. So, if you happen to check and read this...leave me a message so I can see actually how many people read it before I quit blogging altogether...

Love to all! :)



Megan said...

I read it!! I do see your stuff on facebook, too. But I prefer to check blogs over facebook, since sometimes I go days without logging in to facebook and then I feel like I've missed so much! Don't quit blogging . . .

Jenny said...

I check out the blog as well. But I do see FaceBook as well so either is fine with me!

Lottie said...

I read it too! Im like Megan - I see your updates on facebook but I do really like your blog! Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!

Cook Family said...

i read it! but i'm on facebook too!

The Chavis Family said...

I read it! I don't do keep the blog! ~Kim :)

MMS said...

NOOOOO!!!! I like the blog because you don't get the stories with FB. Keep blogging!!!

Hollie Heming said...

I read it. I just started blogging myself, so I haven't kept up with all of your posts. Please keep it going. Check ours out

The Chavis Family said...

...AND I found Mary's blog through your blog a week or so ago! :)

TXSkipper said...

I do check the blog, but I'm also on facebook so I see them there. I like blogging better because you often get the story behind the pictures. Hope you guys are well.

Gracious Gifts said...

I'm a reader!!!